After Everything is Available on Audio!

Have you heard the news?! After Everything is now available as an audiobook!!

It’s currently available through Audible, but I’m told it should make its way down to iTunes and Amazon within the next few days.

I’ve always wanted to do an audiobook for my books, but as an indie author the cost of entry is astronomical (a few too many zeros for my non-existent budget). A little known fact about Audible is that as an arm of Amazon, they offer a service that allows for revenue share with the narrator, which means there is minimal up-front cost. Of course that also means if my books don’t sell, no one makes money.

I know I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again. While Amazon isn’t great for the Big 5 (soon to be 4) publishers or indie bookstores, it is phenomenal for independent authors. Many of us depend on it.

So, while I know some of you will be disappointed the audiobook isn’t on, know that it’s not because I don’t support indie bookstores (I do!), it’s that until I win the lottery or marry Chris Evans, I can’t afford to play in the arena. Yet.

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